Frequently Asked Questions
The common definition is that cremation is a process that uses intense heat to quickly return a body back to its most basic elements.
“Direct Cremation”, sometime called “Simple Cremation” or “Immediate Cremation” is when the cremation is performed soon after death, without a viewing, visitation or funeral service of any kind. Often people assume the term “Direct Cremation” means the deceased is taken from the place of death directly to the crematory. This is not the case. Death Certificates, contracts and state required permits must all be completed before the cremation can actually take place or be scheduled, often several days later.
Most cremation services outsource their work, essentially acting as brokers. They have one firm make the removal from the place of death; have another service provide storage of the decedent while paperwork and permits are completed. Then, after all permits and contracts are completed, the decedent is transported by yet another firm to the company that will actually perform the cremation. When the cremation is completed, the cremated remains are transported back to the originating service.
All of our services are performed at one location so the decedent never leaves our care. A painstaking process is followed by highly trained staff to make sure that identification procedures are in place and followed. Visual identification is made of the decedent by identification provided by the family or responsible party as well as verifying unique identification placed on the decedent at the place of death by our Care Team. A stainless steel tag accompanies the decedent through the cremation process with an identifying number that can be traced and verified at any time, now or in the future.
We directly cover most of the state of Florida and will gladly handle arrangements anywhere in the world. Our staff has years of experience handling the complex arrangements required when a death occurs out of state or out of the country. One call to us is all that is needed. A detailed list of the counties we serve are located at the bottom of our homepage.
We do offer Sea Scattering. Our scatterings are performed by our own associates to ensure that the scatterings are performed respectfully, ethically and legally. Scatterings are completed approximately every 90 days, depending on weather conditions. Detailed documentation as to the exact time and location the scattering was performed is provided.
Absolutely! Absolutely! Planning ahead provides you peace of mind that your personal wishes are known and protects your family from having to make tough decisions during a time of extreme stress and grief. Visit Pre-Planning Page
We do not. The primary reason we are able to keep cost down is by providing a limited service. This means we do not need expensive facilities, multiple staff members, funeral chapels, Cadillac limousines and hearses. We are associated with several Funeral Homes in Broward County and can recommend them to you if you require these services
Our representatives are available to speak with you seven days per week during our normal business hours of 8:30-5pm. Outside of normal business hours, you may leave a message and we will return your call the following morning. Should a death occur and you need immediate assistance with the transfer of a deceased after normal business hours, our answering service will assist you.
Please select your Cremation Package on our homepage and complete the necessary steps. One of our Cremation Specialists will be in touch by telephone if it is necessary. If the death occurs after regular business hours please call (954)388-1490 as the line is monitored 24/7.
No, at CSA all of our arrangements are done 100% online. You never have to visit a funeral home. You can always call us at (561) 677-2551
Once we receive the permit we will coordinate with the family and the crematory manager for a date and time of witnessing. The cremated remains will be processed within 24 hours after the cremation. When the cremated remains are processed, and we have received the death certificates. We will schedule another appointment for pickup.
No. If you have your own urn, we will ship your loved one’s cremated remains to you in a temporary plastic container. Once you have received the temporary container, you may transfer your loved one’s cremated remains to their permanent urn.
How many days will it take to receive my loved one’s Urn back in my hands?
A typical time frame from the day we bring your loved one into our care until you have your loved one’s urn in your hands is 7-14 business days. Factors that can slow down the process:
– Doctor not signing a death certificate
– Not receiving approval from the Medical Examiner’s office to cremate
– Hand delivering an Urn vs. Certified mailing – Mailing adds 1-2 days
The total number of how many death certificates that are needed varies with every family. However, a good rule to use is to get 1 certified death certificate with the cause of death for each Life Insurance policy that exists. Then you can get a handful (3-5) of death certificates without the cause of death. Banks, transferring a property deed and credit card companies for example all require a certified death certificate without the cause of death.
If you know you won’t be living in within our coverage area, then we aren’t the company for you. However, if you currently live in Florida and think you may move in the future or are just unsure of your future, here is what happens…
You can Pre-Plan with CSA, lock in the price, and get the peace of mind you deserve. If you were to move, you are always entitled to get a refund for all cremation services (urns can be delivered).
- Let’s say you moved to another county/state and found a cremation provider, you tell them you have prearrangements with us, and we would send them, or you, a check for all cremation services.
- If you were to pass away in say NY, then is called an “out of town fulfillment” and happens quite often with the transient nature of Florida. We would have to be notified and then we would send the money you have paid us to help pay for the NY funeral home arrangements. You simply do not lose the money you have paid to CSA as it’s trusted per Florida Statute Chapter 497 laws.
- We also do offer APASI Travel Protection and for $599 you are covered nationwide (USA only) to get back to your registered home address or funeral home of choice. Reliant Travel Protection gives you 100% Peace of Mind knowing there would never be $1000’s paid to a funeral home and travel arrangements to bring mortal remains home.
You can learn more or begin Pre-Planning your cremation at